Covenants and Dedications

PLG’s environmental staff is dedicated to the conservation of BC’s ecosystems and natural areas. Certain measures can be undertaken for the long-term protection of ecosystems within BC. If a landowner wishes to contribute or set-aside an area of land within their property, our environmental staff can determine if the area is suitable for dedication and can provide guidance for the most appropriate process to ensure the area is protected from future development.

Talk to us

Talk to our environmental professionals. Please contact Melissa, a Biologist in Training (BIT) and BC Certified Erosion Sediment Control Lead (BC-CESCL) with experience in environmental and watercourse assessments, Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) assessments, habitat restoration, invasive vegetation management, bird nest surveys, water quality and Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) monitoring, and the preparation of environmental reports and regulatory permits/approvals.

Conservation/Restrictive Covenant or Right-of-Way

To fulfill the minimum safeguarding requirements of a Sensitive Ecosystem Development Plan (SEDP), registration of a combined Conservation/Restrictive Covenant or Right-of-Way for the property can be completed to ensure safeguarding and maintenance of the Protection Area in perpetuity. Read more...

Ecogift Dedication

To fulfill the maximum safeguarding requirements of a SEDP, a portion of land within the Subject Property may be dedicated to a qualified recipient as an ecological gift. PLG’s QEPs are able to determine whether an area of land qualifies as ecologically sensitive and help the client determine a qualified recipient for the gifted land. Read more...