Township of Langley: Development Cost Charges Bylaw 2020 No. 5555

Township of Langley Council implemented a new Development Cost Charges Bylaw 2020 No. 5555 at its March 23, 2020 meeting. The new Development Cost Charges Bylaw repeals and replaces a 2012 bylaw and is intended to reflect current land acquisition values and construction costs.

The Local Government Act provides the legislative authority for local governments to establish Development Cost Charges (“DCCs”) to provide capital cost recovery associated with supporting new growth, such as costs for roads, drainage, water, and the purchase of development of parkland. DCCs are paid by developers at the time of subdivision approval or at building permit issuance.

Township of Langley's DCC Bylaw 2020 contains the following DCC rates based on land use:

  • Residential DCCs range between $26,000 to $47,000 per dwelling unit (range based on number of units).
  • Commercial and Institutional DCCs are determined by gross floor building area for road, sewage and water. Drainage rates are based on area of development.
  • Industrial DCCs are $33.07 per m2.

The new DCC rates are currently in force with a final reading by Council. In-stream applications (e.g., building permit and subdivision applications received by the Township of Langley prior to March 23, 2020) have 12 months to be issued and approved to be considered under the 2012 DCC Bylaw rates.

Please note that in addition to the municipal DCC rates, DCCs from Metro Vancouver and TransLink may also be applicable at the time of subdivision approval and building permit issuance.

If you are uncertain how the new DCC Bylaw may affect your project, please contact Pacific Land Group at 604-501-1624 or for more information.

You can click here to view the full Development Cost Charges Bylaw 2020 No. 5555 and all applicable rates.