Construction and Development Environmental Services/Regulatory Compliance

PLG’s Qualified Environmental Professionals (QEPs) are experienced in providing environmental services related to construction works, to ensure a site remains in compliance with government bylaws and regulations. Our QEPs able to provide safety and environmental protection recommendations, conduct environmental monitoring throughout all phases of development, and perform post-construction monitoring to ensure newly installed features are functioning as they are intended to. Our QEP’s provide efficient and cost-effective solutions to ensure our client’s construction projects remain in compliance with regulatory guidelines while also maintaining construction timelines. 

Talk to us

Talk to our environmental professionals. Please contact Kyla, a QEP with experience in watercourse assessments, Riparian Area Protection Regulation (RAPR) assessments, bird nest surveys, fish and wildlife salvages, environmental monitoring, and the preparation of Ecosystem Development Plans (EDP), Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), and Invasive Species Management Plans (ISMP).

Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring

PLG works with numerous municipalities throughout Metro Vancouver to create practical and attainable solutions to sediment control regulations. We provide detailed, staged, and comprehensive storm water management plans for development of all sizes, for the purposes of biofiltration and stormwater control. PLG's QEPs are specialized to conduct Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) monitoring, as required by construction works for each proposed development. Read more...

Construction Environmental Management Plan

Our team of skilled environmental scientists have prepared more than 300 Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), for a variety of clients (i.e., infrastructure, mining, development, linear construction). A CEMP is typically a requirement for subcontractors reporting to a prime contractor or consultant to outline how they plan to maintain compliance with environmental regulations during construction activities. Read more...

Environmental Construction Monitoring

Environmental construction monitoring ensures site specific designs are implemented on the ground and allows for modifications to address changing on-site conditions. As an environmental construction monitor, we mitigate the impacts of construction activity and provide innovative and cost-effective solutions. Read more...

Post-Construction Monitoring

Following the completion of the project, PLG’s QEPs perform post-construction monitoring to check the survivorship/functionality of the newly installed features (e.g. riparian vegetation, ponds) and to ensure effectiveness and compliance with the regulatory guidelines. Read more…

P-15 Monitoring

As part of the City of Surrey’s policy number P-15, all riparian planting completed as part of habitat compensation works for proposed development are required to adhere to a P-15 Agreement. The P-15 Agreement requires yearly monitoring of plantings and planting area by a QEP for a project-specific duration defined by the City (typically a 5-year term). Read more...

Other Environmental Services

Floc Systems Inc. & Products

Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) for a proposed development may require the use of specialized ESC products that are designed to address local regulatory bylaws. Our affiliate group at Floc Systems Inc. specializes in treatment systems and flocculants (i.e., Tigerfloc products) to remove turbidity, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons from waste water. Read more...