Qualified Environmental Professionals
A Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) refers to an applied scientist or technologist, including a registered professional Biologist, Agrologist, Forester, Geoscientist, Engineer, or Technologist, who must provide services within their registered area of expertise. The QEP must be registered and in good standing with an appropriate B.C. professional organization constituted under an Act. The QEP must also adhere to their association’s code of ethics, and is subject to their organization’s disciplinary action.
PLG’s QEP staff are dedicated to help clients finish their jobs efficiently while being in compliance with all the mandated requirements.

Talk to us
Talk to our environmental professionals. Please contact Kyla, a QEP with experience in watercourse assessments, Riparian Area Protection Regulation (RAPR) assessments, bird nest surveys, fish and wildlife salvages, environmental monitoring, and the preparation of Ecosystem Development Plans (EDP), Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), and Invasive Species Management Plans (ISMP).
Environmental Assessments
Watercourse Classification Confirmation Assessments
PLG's QEPs are experienced in conducting Watercourse Classification Confirmation Assessments (WCCA) throughout the lower mainland in BC in accordance with different levels of government protection standards, regulatory requirements, and guidelines (e.g. RAPR or Forest Practice Code). The WCCA consists of a field assessment to evaluate biophysical conditions, determination of appropriate setbacks (if any), and preparation of a report that summarizes on-site observations and provides recommendations for potential/proposed development purposes.
Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) Assessments
RAPR assessments may be required when considering developments near or within watercourses and wetlands. PLG's QEPs are trained and certified to perform on-site assessments of all applicable aquatic features, determine applicable RAPR setbacks for development, and prepare an assessment report for submission to the provincial online reporting system [i.e., Riparian Areas Regulation Notification System (RARNS)].
RAPR setbacks are often used to determine minimum streamside protection setbacks for development, as municipal setbacks cannot fall below the provincial RAPR setbacks for any project.
Bird Nest Surveys
The BC Wildlife Act (WA) and the Federal Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) provide protection for native birds, their nests and young from disturbance or harm during the recognized bird breeding season. The nests of some birds (e.g., heron, bald eagle, osprey) are protected year-round, whether active or not.
Our professional biologists and QEPs are able to conduct bird nests surveys and determine whether nests are active/inactive and will provide a detailed report outlining buffers (if required), exclusion zones, etc.
Ecological Baseline Assessments/Environmental Impact Assessments
PLG is committed to supporting existing natural systems, by providing opportunities for habitat retention and/or enhancement. Habitat and ecological baseline assessments of fish and wildlife are fundamental in sustainable planning. Our assessment work focuses on the prevention of negative impacts to aquatic and terrestrial species and their habitats.
Species at Risk Assessments, Surveys and Salvages
PLG’s environmental biologists and technicians are certified and experienced to perform Species at Risk assessments for fish, amphibian and wildlife, including salvages and relocation using various techniques (e.g., electrofishing, minnow traps, fencing), in accordance with applicable federal/provincial legislation (e.g., Species at Risk Act, Federal Fisheries Act).
PLG Staff are also able to assist in the preparation and submission of necessary permits to the Province ahead of salvage works, and provide application management to the Client.
Terrestrial and Wildlife Surveys
A terrestrial or wildlife habitat survey may be a requirement of your project. For projects in the initial planning stages, our team can conduct baseline desktop surveys, on-site surveys, and provide guidance and recommendations in advance of any project planning.
Permits and Approvals
Ecosystem Development Plan
In the City of Surrey, the Ecosystem Development Plan (EDP) is part of an adopted regulatory process that affects how certain development projects proceed. The City's bylaw states that Sensitive Ecosystem Development Permit (DP3) approval from the City of Surrey is required for any proposed development activity within 50 meters of a watercourse and/or City designated Green Infrastructure Networks/Hubs. Our QEPs are able to take you through the environmental development process, and prepare applications and reports for submission to governing bodies.
Natural Environment Development Plan
Natural Environment Development Plans (NEDP) are part of bylaws adopted by the City of Abbotsford, similar to the City of Surrey’s Ecosystem Development Plan (EDP), which affect the way development projects are allowed to proceed within 50 meters of streams or classified sensitive ecosystem lands (as per Metro Vancouver’s Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory).
Water Sustainability Act Change Approval and Notification
Under Section 11 of the Provincial Water Sustainability Act (WSA), a Change Approval is required if an applicant wishes to request permission to eliminate (e.g., closure/infill), modify, or significantly re-locate an existing waterbody. All Change Approval works are subject to pre-determined fisheries/stream compensation and/or enhancement works to off-set proposed changes/modifications to the existing waterbody.
Under Part 3 of the Water Sustainability Regulation (WSR), a Notification of Authorized Changes (i.e., Notification) is required if an applicant wishes to complete instream activities that typically have minimal impact on the environment and third parties (e.g., culvert/headwall installations, bridge crossings, maintenance/repair works, etc.). Approved works must comply with the requirements outlined in the WSR, and any additional conditions set forth by the reviewing habitat officer.
Invasive Species/Weed Management
According to the provincial Weed Control Act and local municipal requirements, invasive plant species are required to be managed and properly disposed within the disturbed sites. PLG’s QEPs have prepared invasive species/weed control plans for many construction projects. Our biologists and QEPs are prepared to work closely with our clients to determine a management solution for invasive species.
Surface Reclamation and Re-Vegetation
PLG Staff provide clients with reclamation services including habitat restoration plan preparation, re-vegetation plan preparation, and follow up monitoring. We are available and qualified to supervise and install riparian planting projects.
Construction and Development Environmental Services/Regulatory Compliance
Erosion and Sediment Control and Monitoring
PLG works with numerous municipalities throughout Metro Vancouver to create practical and attainable solutions to sediment control regulations. We provide detailed, staged, and comprehensive stormwater management plans for development of all sizes, for the purposes of biofiltration and stormwater control. PLG's QEPs are specialized to conduct Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) monitoring, as required by construction works for each proposed development.
Construction Environmental Management Plans
Our team of skilled environmental scientists have prepared more than 300 Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), for a variety of clients (i.e., infrastructure, mining, development, linear construction). A CEMP is typically a requirement for subcontractors reporting to a prime contractor or consultant to outline how they plan to maintain compliance with environmental regulations during construction activities.
Environmental Construction Monitoring
Environmental construction monitoring ensures site specific designs are implemented on the ground and allows for modifications to address changing on-site conditions. As an environmental construction monitor, we mitigate the impacts of construction activity and provide innovative and cost-effective solutions.
Post-Construction Assessment/Monitoring
Following the completion of the project, PLG’s QEPs perform post-construction monitoring to check the survivorship/functionality of the newly installed features (e.g. riparian vegetation, ponds) and to ensure effectiveness and compliance with the regulatory guidelines.
P-15 Monitoring
As part of the City of Surrey’s policy number P-15, all riparian planting completed as part of habitat compensation works for proposed development are required to adhere to a P-15 Agreement. The P-15 Agreement requires yearly monitoring of plantings and planting area by a QEP for a project-specific duration defined by the City (typically a 5 year term).
Conservation/Restrictive Covenant or Right-of-Way
To fulfill the minimum safeguarding requirements of an Ecosystem Development Plan (EDP), registration of a combined Conservation/Restrictive Covenant or Right-of-Way against the property can be completed to ensure safeguarding and maintenance of the Protection Area in perpetuity.
Ecogift Dedication
To fulfill the maximum safeguarding requirements of an Ecosystem Development Plan (EDP), a portion of land within the Subject Property may be dedicated to a qualified recipient as an ecological gift. PLG’s QEPs are able to determine whether an area of land qualifies as ecologically sensitive and help the client determine a qualified recipient for the gifted land.
Environmental Glossary
The Environmental Glossary consists of terms and definitions commonly used by Land Use Planning and Environmental professionals. The purpose of the glossary is to provide a foundation for better understanding of key environmental terms and definitions and their role in Land Planning today.