Our affiliated surveying group South Fraser Land Surveying (SFLS) is led by a qualified British Columbia Land Surveyor (BCLS), with a survey team that has over 105 years of combined professional land survey experience in the Lower Mainland and British Columbia.

Talk to us
As most projects require either topographic, legal, or explanatory surveying, PLG has a long-standing relationship with a fully qualified survey company (SFLS). Our mutual experience enables project specific field data to support development planning and approvals. Please contact Oleg a senior planner and senior project manager with over 30 years of combined public and private sector experience in managing land use and development matters. Understanding exactly what needs to be surveyed (topographic, trees, top of bank, extent of road way and utilities) is critical in order to build a base for a successful project. PLG and SFLS are also familiar with specialty surveys including strata conversions, right of ways, easements, zoning block plans, community plan and area plan amendments.
Topographic Survey
Topographic surveys are essential in determining the existing natural features on-site, and are used to aid the planning and development process. On-site gathering of information, through the use of modern and up-to-date surveying tools and computers, ensure efficiency and accuracy. Our topographic survey services include: field investigations of natural features (including watercourse and top-of-bank locations, tree survey, elevations, etc.), establishing of natural boundaries (eg. watercourse), inventory of existing buildings/building foundations on site, cross-sectioning of intersections and roads, and consultation & management services.
Legal Survey
Our affiliated survey company is experienced in the preparation and filing of a variety of plans (Right-of-Way, covenant, easement, road dedication, subdivision, consolidation and reference plans, etc.), relating to land development, at the Land Title Office. Other survey services include: buildings floor area ratios, common and bare land strata, building location surveys, environmental features and tree surveys.