Environmental Construction Monitoring

Environmental construction monitoring ensures site specific designs are implemented on the ground and allows for modifications to address changing on-site conditions. As a environmental construction monitors, we mitigate the impacts of construction activity and provide innovative and cost-effective solutions.

Our environmental staff are trained and experienced in preparing mitigation plans and providing monitoring services according to site specific circumstances. Setback protection measures will be recommended and planting plans prepared if required. Our team will work with contractors to ensure construction timelines are maintained while remaining in compliance to local government standards.


Talk to us

Talk to our environmental professionals. Please contact Melissa, a Registered Professional Biologist (RP.Bio) and BC Certified Erosion Sediment Control Lead (BC-CESCL) with experience in environmental and watercourse assessments, Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) assessments, habitat restoration, invasive vegetation management, bird nest surveys, water quality and Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) monitoring, and the preparation of environmental reports and regulatory permits/approvals.