Plant Health Inspections & Habitat Restoration

If you have a project that requires an annual plant health inspection (e.g., P-15, riparian health or post remediation), Fall is a great time to schedule this work! Plant health inspection requirements are municipality specific, and typically associated with habitat compensation requirements for proposed development projects.

For example, in the City of Surrey, a P-15 Agreement requires yearly monitoring of new plantings and the planting area by a Qualified Environmental Professional (“QEP”) for a project-specific duration defined by the City of Surrey (e.g., typically a consecutive 5 year term). Inspections are completed to confirm the integrity of newly established ecological communities (e.g., newly planted riparian habitat), and to ensure a project’s compliance with the requirements for annual habitat impact mitigation (e.g., monitoring and maintenance). Pacific Land Group’s QEPs are qualified to perform these inspections, and prepare corresponding detailed planting plans and summary reports for local, provincial and federal acceptance.

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PLG’s environmental team is also able to assist with invasive vegetation removal, plant installation and replacement and seed application projects, and work frequently with a great network of contractors for larger scale projects! Ahead of plant health inspections, a site may require restoration/remediation work to return it to previous or better habitat conditions. PLG is able to work with Clients to discuss their site’s needs, and prepare detailed planting/restoration plans based on local, provincial and/or federal requirements. Our detailed plans typically including specific notes and specifications for invasive vegetation removal, native plant installation and seed application, and permanent fence installation for your project.

Please contact us at 604-501-1624 or to see how we can help!

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