Terrestrial and Wildlife Survey

Terrestrial and Wildlife Surveys may be a requirement for your project. For projects in the initial planning stages, our team of biologists are able to perform baseline desktop assessments, on-site surveys, and provide recommendations in advance of any project planning.

At the forefront of a project, PLG’s QEPs and in-field technicians can conduct ground truthing terrestrial surveys, utilizing the results of background desktop research for potential wildlife and/or vegetation species that may be present within the project area.

We are able to assist our clients in the development planning stages to ensure negative impacts to wildlife and vegetation species are minimized throughout the life of the project. Recommendations of the next steps will be provided to ensure wildlife protection measures are met and maintained throughout all phases of a project.


Talk to us

Talk to our environmental professionals. Please contact Melissa, a Registered Professional Biologist (RP.Bio) and BC Certified Erosion Sediment Control Lead (BC-CESCL) with experience in environmental and watercourse assessments, Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) assessments, habitat restoration, invasive vegetation management, bird nest surveys, water quality and Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) monitoring, and the preparation of environmental reports and regulatory permits/approvals.